Strategies for Employers To Create a Harassment-Free Workplace

Creating a safe work environment is of the highest priority when managing a business. Workplace harassment prevention isn’t always as simple as it may seem, though, especially when bringing people from all different backgrounds together. Below, our workplace harassment attorneys from Kent Pincin Law discuss 10 strategies for employers to create a harassment-free workplace. 

1. Create Strict Anti-Harassment Policies

First, you should define strict harassment-free workplace policies that align with state and federal laws. Your policies should be easily accessible to all employees so people understand what they should and should not do in the workplace. You can list them in employee handbooks, copy them onto digital boards, and post them in public areas for frequent reminders.

You should frequently review the anti-harassment policies to ensure everything stays up to date.

2. Conduct Ongoing Training

Policies only go so far. Ongoing training and employee well-being initiatives can reinforce positive thinking and the correct behavioral patterns in the workplace. You can conduct various anti-harassment initiatives, group activities, workshops, cultural and diversity training, and more to help create a safer, more inclusive space. 

Training should not be a one-time thing. You should conduct regular harassment prevention training on various sub-topics. 

3. Engage Managers in Training

Your managerial team should receive their own form of specific training to learn how to appropriately address complex harassment scenarios. Training can help managers locate signs of harassment to prevent concerns from escalating further so they know how to handle situations safely and appropriately. Managerial training could include roleplaying scenarios, reviewing policy updates, and more. 

4. Take a Zero-Tolerance Approach

When researching strategies for employers to create a harassment-free workplace, many people overlook the response process. Employers must take a zero-tolerance approach to ensure employees do not take advantage of the rules. To do so, you should enact immediate consequences against anyone who breaks one of the policies to prevent them from continuing their actions.

A zero-tolerance approach does not mean everyone who breaks policies should be fired. In some cases, people can learn from their mistakes and improve.

5. Create a Prompt Investigation Process

If an employee comes to you with a harassment complaint, you must respond promptly. Failing to do so not only puts the employee in danger of additional harassment but also shows your company does not care about their concern. Instead, you should immediately begin the investigation and escalate the case when necessary to ensure the employee receives support and a fair outcome. 

As the investigation continues, you should keep the employee in the loop. After reaching a decision, be sure to follow up with the employee in the subsequent days or weeks to ensure the harassment has stopped. 

6. Increase Harassment Awareness

In some cases, employees do not realize they’re experiencing harassment due to a lack of awareness. If you want to create a harassment-free work zone, all employees must be fully aware of every form of harassment so they do not accidentally harm another employee or experience harm without realizing it. You can increase harassment awareness by conducting training, posting fliers around the office, sending informative emails, and more. 

7. Open Up Your Communication

Employees should have access to easy and private communication channels in case they need to tell you about any uncomfortable situations. You should encourage all of your employees to reach out to you on a regular basis to foster open communication. You may conduct regular one-on-one meetings, open up messaging channels, offer anonymous tip boxes, and more. 

8. Gather Feedback

Feedback can help you learn how your anti-harassment strategies are working. You can send out anonymous surveys to ask employees questions like:

  • How comfortable do you feel in the workplace?
  • Do you understand what workplace harassment means?
  • Would you feel comfortable speaking to your manager about a harassment complaint?
  • Have you ever been harassed or discriminated against by coworkers or managers?
  • Who would you report to if a coworker texted you something threatening? 

You can use these answers to reshape your efforts. If you don’t receive positive responses, you may need to continue with further training, better communication, and stricter policies. 

9. Foster Diversity in the Workspace 

Creating a more diverse workforce can help reduce unconscious biases as you’ll be able to promote inclusion efforts from the start. You can celebrate different backgrounds, offer employee resources, and foster more community for the typically under-represented groups within your workspace. 

10. Lead By Example 

Promoting respect in the workplace requires managers to lead by example. You should engage in all of the anti-harassment training sessions you conduct, participate in diversity events, address any harassment concerns that pop up, and show your team your accountability in creating a harassment-free workspace. 

Now that you know our strategies for employers to create a harassment-free workplace, call Kent Pincin Law today at 310-376-0922 if you need support with a harassment case. 

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