Technology’s Role in Combating Workplace Harassment: Tools and Innovations

When thinking of new ways to prevent harassment in your workplace, technology may not be the first thing that comes to mind. By understanding technology’s role in combating workplace harassment through tools and innovations, you can develop a more comprehensive approach to protecting your team. Below, our workplace harassment attorneys from Kent Pincin Law discuss ways to leverage technology in workplace harassment prevention.

6 Ways You Can Leverage Technology To Combat Harassment in the Workplace

Harassment happens far more often than many people realize, especially as digital channels provide perpetrators with more avenues for harming others. According to a recent survey, 44% of 800 participating individuals stated that they have experienced some form of harassment in the workplace. While technology may enable people to cyberbully others, it can also provide helpful innovations for combating harassment by: 

Increasing Access to Workplace Harassment Policies 

Sometimes, people do not realize they’re being harassed or do not understand they’re harassing others because they’re unaware of the workplace’s policies. Giving employees improved access to workplace harassment policies ensures no harmful actions go unnoticed. You can also prevent people from accidentally harming others out of ignorance. 

Technology can increase access to workplace harassment policies as you can make it easy for employees to quickly log into a dashboard or company account to find the details they need. Rather than visiting an HR member, employees can securely use their digital tools for workplace respect to search through company rules on harassment.  

Conducting Digital Training Programs 

Your company may also leverage various tech solutions for harassment prevention, such as digital training programs or virtual seminars, to help team members learn how to cultivate a more inclusive environment. While in-person training is also vital, it is not always practical for remote teams or companies that do not have access to anti-harassment experts. By leveraging technology, you can provide your team with high-quality anti-harassment training. 

Using AI Algorithms To Monitor Behavior 

When considering technology’s role in combating workplace harassment, many overlook the power of AI. The following are some ways you may leverage the role of AI in workplace harassment prevention:

  • To locate instances of harassment: You may use various AI-powered content moderation tools to locate instances of harassment across your team’s digital channels, including messaging or email apps, to prevent situations from escalating. In many cases, the victim may feel too threatened or afraid to report an incident themselves. An AI tool can help you proactively become aware of the concern so you can take care of it appropriately.
  • To review policies: Harassment laws and standards change relatively frequently, which means your business must adapt its policies in kind. AI-powered technology can help you update policies more efficiently while ensuring you don’t miss important grounds. 
  • To maintain consistency in your program: When someone breaks a harassment policy, you should have standards on consequences. You must stay unbiased to give everyone an equal opportunity for retaliation. Intelligent learning programs can help ensure you follow the correct set of protocols for any incident. 

Offering Online Forms for Safe and Confidential Reporting

As mentioned previously, victims of harassment often feel too uncomfortable reporting the incident in person. Offering a secure online form for confidential reporting can help more people speak up about anything they’re experiencing in the workplace. You can even offer the option to make the form submission anonymous so victims don’t have to fear retaliation or judgment. 

Preserving Evidence

Technology provides a vital way to preserve evidence in many harassment cases. In scenarios where an employee experienced digital harassment through messaging, emails, chats, or social media, they can preserve the digital breadcrumb trail for an exact record of what occurred. The victim can use this documentation to strengthen their case. 

Conducting Anonymous Surveys for Policy Improvement

Technology also provides an excellent opportunity for learning how to improve your workplace’s anti-harassment policies. You can develop anonymous surveys or feedback forms that you send to your team to learn more about the success of your program. You may ask questions like the following:

  • Do you feel comfortable at work?
  • Do you know what our workplace harassment policies are?
  • Would you feel comfortable reporting to your manager if you were discriminated against?
  • Have you ever experienced workplace harassment?
  • How do you think we can improve our anti-harassment program? 

Based on the survey responses you gather, you may adjust your program, training, and tools to continue combating harassment more effectively. 

Have You Experienced Workplace Harassment? Seek Legal Support Today

At Kent Pincin Law, we’re knowledgeable about technology’s role in combating workplace harassment. If you’ve experienced harassment, contact our team today at 310-376-0922 to speak with an experienced workplace harassment attorney from Kent Pincin Law. We can answer all your questions and inform you of your rights.

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