How To Choose the Right Wrongful Termination Lawyer for Your Case

When most people get fired, they think their relationship with the company is completely closed. However, did you know it is possible to be fired illegally? A wrongful discharge is against the law and leaves you in a position to possibly get something back. 

Luckily, you have rights and recourse. Working with a skilled wrongful termination lawyer can help you win compensation and move on with your life. 

Here’s what you need to know about how to choose the right wrongful termination lawyer for your case.

What Does a Wrongful Termination Lawyer Do?

Wrongful termination lawyers handle cases when an employer fires an employee for protected reasons, including discrimination, breach of contract, and retaliation.

You have rights if you are terminated under one of these protected categories. You may be eligible for compensation if you prove your dismissal was unlawful. This compensation may include:

  • Back pay
  • Missing benefits 
  • Future earnings if your reinstatement is unfeasible or inappropriate
  • Punitive damages

Choosing the right lawyer for wrongful termination will make it easier to go through each step of the process and understand the laws and regulations affecting your case. 

Criteria for Choosing a Wrongful Termination Lawyer

Because an attorney’s role is crucial, any hope of success may hinge on choosing the right lawyer for your wrongful termination case. You want to ensure they will fit your needs and have what it takes to represent you. Consider the following criteria: 


One of the top key considerations when hiring a wrongful termination attorney is their experience in the field. Years of experience can help your attorney handle the courtroom proceedings and paperwork necessary for your case. You wouldn’t want to choose a family or injury lawyer. 

Employment law is just one of many practice areas. Having experience in this niche means your attorney is familiar with the particulars of cases like yours. This will give you the best shot at making a strong argument and having robust legal representation should your case go to court.


Because wrongful termination cases are so intricate, communication should be a key factor in selecting the best wrongful termination attorney. You want someone who can explain things clearly and keep you informed.

It’s also important that your attorney listens to you. You want to feel heard and know your questions will be answered.

Communication with other parties is also important. Your attorney should respond quickly to inquiries and requests from others to meet deadlines and keep your case valid. 


When deciding how to choose the right wrongful termination lawyer for your case, consider how you feel when working with them. They should be an advocate who makes it clear they are on your side. 

This matters because unlawful termination can be an upsetting experience. A lawyer with passion and empathy for you and your case will help you feel more comfortable and supported. This can even impact the case, as it makes you less stressed and, thus, less likely to make mistakes. 


You should be a priority for your attorney. They can show you this by being available and responsive when needed. Otherwise, you may end up frustrated by the lack of communication.

They should also respond to your questions promptly and give you reasonable notice if you need to handle or prepare anything on your end.


Your attorney’s reputation within the legal community can give you insight into their skills. With just a little research, you can look for this history on your own. Finding the results of past cases will let you know whether they have a history of positive or negative outcomes. 

On top of this, check out other attorneys’ reviews or recognitions from professional organizations. Specifically, look for information from a local bar association or the American Bar Association.


Your lawyer should be prepared in everything they do. They should know the information surrounding your case in great detail. They should also have enough staff working on it, handle all the details, and interact with third parties when necessary.

Fee Structure

Budget matters when choosing a lawyer. Ask about the fee structure before making any commitments.

Many law offices offer free consultations. They may operate on a contingency fee basis if you continue working with them. This means they only get paid if they win the case or secure a settlement for you.

Selecting the Ideal Attorney for Wrongful Dismissal

Getting help from an attorney is important if you’ve been illegally fired from work. Understanding how to choose the right wrongful termination lawyer for your case could give you a fighting chance.

Do you need help navigating the legal process in your wrongful termination case? Call Kent Pincin in Redondo Beach at 301-376-0922 for your free consultation.

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